Online Coaching/Personal Training: Strength & Conditioning


The Strength & Conditioning Programme is for someone who is looking to get into shape and learn with bodyweight, kettlebell, and barbell exercises. You’ll learn multiple principles and strength skills like – Maximal Muscle Tension, Grind and Ballistic movements – which has a high carryover to a great number of applications. The programme will promote great strength, muscle flexibility and joint mobility. For both men and women.

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The Strength & Conditioning Programme is my elite programme and has been specifically designed around all 3 tools – bodyweight, kettlebell, and barbell. I have constructed the programme by reverse-engineering the more complex movements into their fundamental patterns for the lower mesocycles and layering the skills of the programme, as we go through the mesocycles. Creating an elite strength & conditioning curriculum!

The Strength & Conditioning Programme is for someone who is looking to get into shape and learn with bodyweight, kettlebell, and barbell exercises. You’ll learn multiple principles and strength skills like – Maximal Muscle Tension, Grind and Ballistic movements – which has a high carryover to a great number of applications. The programme will promote great strength, muscle flexibility and joint mobility. For both men and women.

Monthly fee = R1000

Monthly fee = $60

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